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Welcome to our new division—KeyNurseLeaders.
Since 1996, Berry & Associates has recruited only Women's and Children's Leaders. We will continue to focus on developing deeper, richer relationships with candidates and clients. For our candidates we will help you discover when opportunity and complex lives intersect for career growth and enrichment. Berry and Associates and KeyNurseLeaders work hard to find out where there might be opportunities for your professional growth at the time in your life that makes sense.

We will continue to focus on developing deeper, richer relationships with candidates and clients. For our candidates we will help you discover when opportunity and complex lives intersect for career growth and enrichment. While it may be true some other firms focus on the painful experiences in your life, Berry and Associates and now KeyNurseLeaders work hard to find out where there might be opportunities for your professional growth at the time in your life that makes sense.

Since 1996, Berry & Associates has recruited only Women's and Children's Leaders. In a recent conversation between the President of our largest competitor and Mike Miller from our team, the question was asked "Why don't you grow your company?" The timing could not have been more appropriate. In the past two years we have transitioned to a new database used by some of the largest retainer firms in the nation because it is highly relational focusing on long-term relationships with both clients and candidates. We've replaced all our major systems with the turmoil and challenges that these activities bring. Our team added one new person last year. More will join us soon. We look forward to working with Maternal/Child leaders across the nation as we continue to grow and develop.

Thanks from the Berry & Associates team!!!


Berry & Associates is an advocate of Women's Health and a proud co-sponsor with The Snowmass Institute of the Innovations in Women's Health Award. This award is presented annually at The Snowmass Institute's Spring Conference. For additional information and application, please go to their website or call Mike Miller @ 1.800.729.6674.

Berry & Associates is unique in the search, recruitment and placement industry. We work solely with those specialized in women's, neonatal and pediatric health services. Our emphasis is on nursing management and advance practice positions at hospitals nationwide. Having our staff work as a 'team' rather than as 'individual recruiters' allows us to more effectively serve our clients and candidates.

Whether it is your short or long term goal to advance in your career, take a few minutes now to share your goals with one of the professional recruiters at Berry & Associates. Hospitals look to us for candidates to fill director, manager, clinical specialist, educator and nurse practitioner roles in all areas of women's and children's services. Use us to stay informed as job opportunities closely matching your criteria become available. You and your family determine your interest level - not us.

Tracking print & Internet advertisements is cumbersome, time consuming, and void of key details. Let the professionals at Berry & Associates screen opportunities for you. We can't create jobs. We can make sure you are aware of positions meeting your criteria. You deserve a specialist!


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Berry & AssociatesBERRY & ASSOCIATESBerry & Associates

Maternal Child
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Experts in Women's & Children's Healthcare Recruitment
144 North 44th Street . Suite 200 . Lincoln NE 68503
Voice: 800-729-6674 402-434-0460
Fax: 888-729-6674 402-434-0462
Email: mike@berrysrp.com

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